Spotlight Sponsor
Metro Mining
61 7 3009 8000
Metro Mining Limited (ASX: MMI) (Metro) is an Australian mining and exploration company based in Queensland, Australia.
Metro’s flagship project is the Bauxite Hills Mine, Skardon River situated approx. 95 km North of Weipa town in Cape York, North Queensland. It is a single operating mine combining two Environmental Authorities covering the Bauxite Hills and Skardon River tenements. With a simple flow sheet incorporating mining, hauling, screening, barging, and transhipping into large ocean-going vessels approx. 10 nautical miles offshore with a capacity of approx. 4 Million tonnes (Mt) per annum with an expansion underway to 7 Mt per annum in 2024.
The Mine has a JORC Reserve of 89.5 Mt and a total JORC Resource of 124.5 Mt and has been operating since April 2018. Bauxite ore from the Bauxite Hills Mine is shipped overseas to customers where it is refined to meet the growing demand for alumina and aluminium.
Aluminium is an essential metal to everyday life, and crucial for the transition of energy and transportation towards a lower carbon future. Modern life could not exist without aluminium in our buildings, cars, trains, planes, phones, food containers, cooking utensils, electricity infrastructure, televisions, and household appliances. Further, aluminium is one of the most important materials underpinning renewable energy generation in solar panels, wind turbines and transmission wires and also in the bodies and batteries of electric vehicles.